Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Plan

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News on Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Plan

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Water quality, water supply (and when there’s too much or too little)

It takes a huge amount of planning and infrastructure to ensure that every home in Yorkshire and the Humber has clean drinking water on demand. But with increasing pressures on supply, exacerbated by our changing climate, we need to talk about the very real possibility of water scarcity in the future.  

And as we’ve seen from the headlines, the quality of the water in our rivers is already being compromised, with devastating consequences for local wildlife. 

Our latest survey, which is  all about water, considers not only the impact of quality and supply issues on people and the environment, but also the increased flood and drought risk in our region. 

What are your thoughts on this topic? Head to the survey to have your say.

Posted on 17th May 2024

by C Homoky